< Presents Professional Development for Children’s Summer Programming www.Read-a-Rama.org Since 2001, Dr. Michelle H. Martin has been crafting programming for children that uses children’s books as the springboard for all activities. Activities designed for Camp Read-a-Rama, 40-hour, one-week-long, themed literacy immersion camps that help teach kids to “live books” can also strengthen your summer programs. These workshops will help educators, librarians, youth professionals and parents/guardians design new ideas for innovative and interactive programs that pair books with hands-on, interdisciplinary activities to promote early literacy and fully engaged learning. Designed for adults, each programs is approximately 2 hours long and all are fun and fully interactive. (Children who are old enough and focused enough to participate are welcome.) Bug Eyes, Bird Beaks & Bat Wings: Bookish Fun about Animal Adaptations Eventbrite Registration: http://readaramabugeyes.eventbrite.com/?s=76867530 Saturday, July 8, 10 am – 12 pm, Compass on Dexter Take a fun glimpse into nature’s quirks in this workshop that will pair songs and books with active simulation games that will teach participants how animals survive and relate to one another in the wild. Incredible Edibles: Fun with Books about Food Eventbrite Registration: http://readaramaincredibleedibles.eventbrite.com/?s=76867681 Saturday, July 15, 10 am – 12 pm, Compass on Dexter With books like Freymann’s How Are You Peeling? and Elffers’ Food Play out there, how can you not want to play with your food? Deepen your appreciation of books that focus on what and how we eat. Learn delicious and entertaining ways to use food to help kids enjoy reading and learning. Create! Bookish Art and Artsy Books Eventbrite Registration: http://bookishart.eventbrite.com/?s=76867791 Saturday, August 12, 1:30-3:30 pm, Compass on Dexter From Reynolds’ The Dot (an artsy book) to making origami books (a bookish art), this workshop teaches participants easy, low-cost book-centered activities that will help kids develop a greater fondness for books about books. We’ll even make our own recycled paper into art. Dr. Michelle H. Martin, co-founder of Read-a-Rama, taught in Clemson University’s English Department in South Carolina for 12 years before spending 5 years as the inaugural Augusta Baker Endowed Chair for Childhood Literacy at the University of South Carolina. She recently became the Beverly Cleary Endowed Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. Cost: $35 per program for adults, $20 for students The link to register: For more information, contact: Dr. Michelle H. Martin, [email protected]; 864-508-1838;
Category: Uncategorized
We're working hard to fight for libraries in the United States, join us at action.everylibrary.org
Posted by EveryLibrary on Friday, June 23, 2017
Mid-Columbia Libraries Glow March
Mid-Columbia Libraries Glow March
Have you ever heard about the Mid-Columbia Libraries glow march event held at Badger Mt. in Richland,WA? Hundreds of people meet up and hike the trail at sunset carrying all sorts of glow sticks and fun lights. Check out this year's event! Share and tag your friends and family who attended the event!
Posted by UpAngle on Thursday, June 22, 2017
Mid-Columbia Libraries Glow March
McCleary Timberland Library – Posts
We had the best time at our library today with Creature Teachers! Amazing animals+fascinated (brave) children=fun time!
Posted by McCleary Timberland Library on Thursday, June 22, 2017
(1) McCleary Timberland Library – Creature Teachers!
We had the best time at our library today with Creature Teachers! Amazing animals+fascinated (brave) children=fun time!
Posted by McCleary Timberland Library on Thursday, June 22, 2017
<div style=”opacity:0;”>Picture of woman showing large spider to children</div>
Whitman County Library Tween/Teen contest
Tween/Teen Book-In-A-Jar contest!!!!!!Unlike those tricky people that can get a ship in a bottle, we were not able to…
Posted by Whitman County Library on Thursday, June 22, 2017
(1) Facebook
Source: (1) Facebook
Hair raising fun at Anacortes Public Library!
Please join us for a hair-raising visit with the Pacific Science Center!!Learn about electricity at Volts and Jolts…
Posted by Anacortes Public Library on Friday, June 23, 2017
Fort Vancouver 8 Books That Changed The Way We Live Our Lives
Every so often, we come across a life changing book. It doesn’t have to be the best book we’ve ever read, or even a book we particularly like—but something about it changes our lives all the same. We decide to go vegetarian, or we start paying attent