Something’s burning at the Capitol …

Something’s burning at the Capitol …

capitoldoor… or at least the fire alarm went off and emptied the whole building, including the Senate, which was in session at the time.  Biggest excitement of the day–heck, of the entire special session!

So Governor Gregoire, exiting the campus for a meeting, has her car stop at the corner where her executive staff is huddled while awaiting the all-clear signal, insists she didn’t pull the alarm, just to stir things up.   She impishly added that, true, she wants the Legislature outahere.

We’re now in day 11 and week 2 of a session she wanted limited to just one week.  Lawmakers are still looking for an $800 million tax deal, and the increasingly impatient governor is now warning that the alternative may be a 20 percent across-the-board cut.

Any guess how long it will actually take to wrap up?

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