Technically a pre-conference, Sunday was well-spent attending the Searcher’s Academy. A number of speakers covered a number of topics, all relating to searching, and many of them very useful. Tons of useful resources are mentioned (and noted below), so read carefully!
Speakers and topics covered include:
- Chris Sherman, Executive Editor,
- Mary Ellen Bates, Owner, Bates Information Service
“Digging into the Deep Web” - Mary Ellen Bates
“Searching the Collaborative Web” - Marcy Phelps, Principal, Phelps Research
“Cost-Effective Searching: Online Strategies for Tough Times” - Mary Ellen Bates
“Hidden Tools and Features of the Major Search Engines” - Marcy Phelps
“Business 2.0” - Doris Small Helfer (writes for Searcher magazine)
“Sensational Science Sites” - Marcy Phelps
“U.S. Government Sources” - Gary Price, Publisher,
“Legal Resources” - Gary Price
“Ready Reference”
Other IL posts: Index | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Complete note for Searcher’s Academy available after the cut.