Got a question? Try Ask-WA!

Got a question? Try Ask-WA!

askwa-copyWhen you think of libraries, you might just think of books, magazines and free Internet access. You might not be aware that libraries have powerful information experts eagerly waiting for you to ask them your toughest questions.

Getting the best answers to  your questions just got a lot easier with Ask-WA. More than 60 Washington libraries, backed by an even larger network of libraries worldwide, have teamed up so that you can ask your questions anytime, 24-7, online and get great answers from a librarian via live chat.

Are you a college student looking for that last-minute resource for your paper that is due at 8 a.m.? Librarians are available, even at 3 a.m., to help you find the right resources and ace your course. Need help applying for jobs, finding good schools or learning new skills? Ask-WA has you covered. Need to settle a bet? We’ll help. Want to find some good summer reading? We love recommending books!

Ask-WA connects you live to your librarians, whenever and wherever you need them. Go here to try it now.

6 thoughts on “Got a question? Try Ask-WA!

  1. Dear People,

    Do you happen to have any information about the Cons of passing Initiatives 433 and 434? I called the Office of Financial Management and they weren’t able to give me anything. Could you please send me an e-mail?

    Thank you!
    Gretchen Anna Sand
    [email protected]

  2. Our library will run a special election for a levy lid lift in November. I know that takes a 50% plus one to pass. Do a certain number of voters from the previous election need to vote for the results to be certified?

  3. San Juan county has a special election for a levy lift on the county current budget for the november 2009 election. They would like voter approval to raise property taxes over the 1% limit. Are there any other counties in Washington that have levy lifts this election cycle?

  4. Thanks for the question, Gordy That is a county-by-county issue. At this time, our State Elections Division doesn’t yet know how many other counties have levy lifts for the November election. The Elections Division probably won’t have that information until the counties have their sample ballots up on their websites, and that won’t be until about a month before the election.

    If you are eager to know the answer to your question before then, your best bet is to contact the counties. Here is the link to the county contact information: .

    Everyone should know or remember that elections are run at the county level, and each county auditor is in charge of conducting all elections in his/her county.

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