2014 Proposed Legislation Affecting Libraries 02/07/2014

2014 Proposed Legislation Affecting Libraries 02/07/2014

Courtesy of the Legislative Planning Committee, Washington Library Association Library Related Legislation. The Washington Library Association (WLA) tracks state legislative activity that will potentially affect Washington Libraries. Their tracker is posted weekly on this blog.

For information on the legislative process or becoming involved, see the WLA site referenced above.

Bill Title Sponsor Status Date Latest Cmte Mtg Info Companion
SHB 1037 Public records cost recovery Moeller H Approps 2/21/2013 Feb 7 Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Appropriations at 1:30 PM. (Subject to change)
HB 1264 Fire district mergers Haigh H Passed 3rd 2/7/2014
SHB 1298 Sunshine committee Springer H Rules R 2/5/2014 Feb 5 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Government Operations & Elections at 1:30 PM. SB 5169(SRules X)
HB 1486 Fire protection authorities Fitzgibbon H Passed 3rd 2/7/2014 SB 5331(SGovt Ops)
SHB 1654 Fire prot. service authority Riccelli H 3rd Reading 1/20/2014
HB 1820 Avg. salary/pension purposes Bergquist H Approps 2/11/2013 Feb 3 Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 3:30 PM.
HB 1854 Annexations/public approval Schmick H Local Govt 2/12/2013 Jan 23 Public hearing in the House Committee on Local Government at 10:00 AM.
2SHB 1960 Metropolitan park districts Seaquist H Rules R 1/21/2014 Jan 16 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Finance at 1:30 PM.
SHB 2105 Govt agency meeting agendas Hawkins H 2nd Reading 1/30/2014 Jan 22 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Government Operations & Elections at 1:30 PM.
SHB 2121 Public records and meetings Pollet H Rules R 1/27/2014 Jan 21 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Government Operations & Elections at 10:00 AM. SB 5964(SRules 2)
SHB 2202 Open government data policy Carlyle H Approps 2/4/2014 Jan 31 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Government Operations & Elections at 8:00 AM.
HB 2212 Cultural access programs Springer H Finance 1/14/2014 Jan 23 Public hearing in the House Committee on Finance at 1:30 PM.
HB 2238 Paid vacation leave Tarleton H Labor/Work Dev 1/15/2014 Jan 24 Public hearing in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 1:30 PM.
SHB 2298 Capital projects/tech infra. Pike H Rules R 2/5/2014 Feb 3 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Local Government at 1:30 PM.
HB 2407 PERS/retiree return to work Ormsby H Rules R 1/27/2014 Jan 21 Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 3:30 PM.
HB 2428 Emer medical service levies Hunt, S. H Finance 1/17/2014 Feb 10 Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Finance at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change)
HB 2522 Librarians/rural county dist Fitzgibbon H Local Govt 1/20/2014
HB 2560 School library info and tech Stonier H Education 1/21/2014 Feb 13 Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change) SB 6105(S2nd Reading)
SHB 2681 Annexing/city sales & use tx Fitzgibbon H Finance 2/5/2014 Feb 10 Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Finance at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change)
HB 2710 Protection of workers Jinkins H Judiciary 1/28/2014 Feb 4 Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM.
HB 2735 PERS member retirement age Robinson H Approps 1/29/2014
HB 2736 Deferred compensation prog. Sullivan H Approps 1/29/2014 Feb 3 Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 3:30 PM.
SSB 5013 Annexations Benton S Rules 2 1/17/2014 Jan 29 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Governmental Operations at 10:00 AM.
SSB 5727 Prev wages/distressed county Braun S Rules 2 1/17/2014 Feb 18 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor at 1:30 PM.
ESSB 5851 Defined contribution plan Bailey S 3rd Reading 2/4/2014 Feb 28 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
SSB 5865 Fundraising purchases/use tx Roach S Rules X 1/20/2014 Apr 16 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 8:00 AM.
SB 5955 WA publicly owned trust Hasegawa S FI/Hous/Ins 1/13/2014 Jan 16 Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Financial Institutions and Housing & Insurance at 1:30 PM.
SSB 5964 Public records and meetings Fain S Rules 2 2/7/2014 Feb 6 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Governmental Operations at 10:00 AM. HB 2121(HRules R)
SB 6059 Scanning public records Brown S Rules 2 1/31/2014 Jan 30 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Governmental Operations at 10:00 AM.
SSB 6105 School library info and tech McAuliffe S 2nd Reading 1/28/2014 Jan 24 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 8:00 AM. HB 2560(HEducation)
SB 6114 Local gov treasury practices Benton S Rules 2 1/29/2014 Jan 28 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Governmental Operations at 10:00 AM.
SB 6151 Cultural access authorities Hill S 2nd Reading 2/4/2014 Jan 30 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM.
SB 6308 Local govt employee bonuses Schoesler S Govt Ops 1/20/2014
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