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Tag: Timberland

WSL Updates for June 11, 2015

WSL Updates for June 11, 2015

Volume 11, June 11, 2015 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) MAKE HISTORY COME ALIVE WITH ZINES! 2) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS 3) BOOK YOUR BANK PILOT PROGRAM OPPORTUNITY 4) NORTHWEST ELEARN CONFERENCE 2015 5) JUNE IS GLBT BOOK MONTH 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK ————————————————————————————————————— 1) MAKE HISTORY COME ALIVE WITH ZINES! Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, is sponsoring the 1st Annual Historical Zine Contest with co-sponsors Washington…

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Ouch: Timberland cutting hours at most of its libraries

Ouch: Timberland cutting hours at most of its libraries

When the Timberland Regional Library’s tax measure was defeated in February, it was inevitable that the system’s libraries would endure cuts in one form or another. That day of reckoning is approaching. Timberland yesterday announced that it’s reducing hours for 25 of its 27 libraries in its five-county service area in Southwest Washington, starting June 1. Fortunately, the hour reductions aren’t drastic. If you tend to return books past the due date or print out items from a Timberland computer,…

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Bad omen for libraries?

Bad omen for libraries?

A recent study by the Washington State Library shows that people are relying even more on their public libraries during the current economic recession. The unemployed are using library computers to apply for jobs, file for unemployment, and use other resources.  So, it’s disappointing news for library supporters throughout much of Southwest Washington that the Timberland Library District’s proposed levy lid is going down to defeat. Here is The Olympian’s report…