Friday Fun Fact: The tallest dome in the U.S. is …

Friday Fun Fact: The tallest dome in the U.S. is …

Did you know the WA Capitol is the tallest masonry dome in the U.S.?


And, our magnificent dome is the fourth tallest in the entire world reaching 287 feet.  It is only surpassed by St. Peter’s Cathedral, Rome at 446 feet, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London at 355.5 feet and finally, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, St. Petersburg at 333 feet.  And, for a few comparisons, the Eiffel Tower is 986 feet, the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. is 302 feet and an adult male giraffe is 20 feet. 

6 thoughts on “Friday Fun Fact: The tallest dome in the U.S. is …

  1. Thanks for the great information, didn’t know WA Capitol was the 4th tallest, thought it was like the 7th or some where beyond 5th

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