Holiday Giving Tip No. 2

Holiday Giving Tip No. 2

We’re in prime holly jolly time now, when you are likely being approached each time you’re at the shopping mall with people who ask you to give to a good cause. Our Charities Program wants to keep you from being snookered, and has come up with some easy tips to make sure your donations pack a punch.

Today’s Holiday Giving Tip: Ask “What percentage does your organization spend on the charitable purpose”?

Why do this? Let’s say a group says it is raising money to buy toys for foster children. What if you find out that this group only puts $1 out of every $100 donated toward toys and spends the rest on administrative costs and advertising? You would probably want to know.  piggybankFor most charities and fundraisers, they use at least a small portion of your donation to cover expenses. It’s up to you to figure out how much they keep is too much.

You can look up the amount charities and fundraisers spend on their actual charitable purpose at and identify a group whose practices you’re comfortable with!

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