A time of the signs

A time of the signs

roadsignsWhile the June 7-11 Filing Week is one indication that campaign season is upon us, another is the growing number of political campaign signs appearing in yards and other locations.

Speaking of which, the folks at the state Department of Transportation are putting out the word on rules regarding campaign signs. Among DOT’s rules: Signs can’t be larger than 32 square feet; they must be removed within 10 days following an election (candidates advancing from a Primary Election can keep up their signs until after the General Election) ; and sign installers must have permission from the property owner before placing a sign there.

Another rule, which is occasionally forgotten or ignored: No campaign signs are allowed within the right-of-way of all state highways. If a sign is placed in the right-of-way, DOT can remove it. Campaign signs also can’t be designed to look like an official traffic control sign, so if you’re thinking about creating a yard sign that looks like a red STOP sign, well, stop!

If you have questions about placing campaign signs along state highways, contact DOT’s Pat O’Leary at (360) 705-7296 or [email protected] . Or you can go here .

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