ILS Snapshot Day Team – Team of the Quarter!

ILS Snapshot Day Team – Team of the Quarter!

Polaroid Land Camera - Jean Piere Candelier on Flickr From the desk of Rand Simmons

Three of the newer members of the Washington State Library Institutional Library Service (ILS) program suggested a plan that would take advantage of social networking sites and the American Library Association’s (ALA) National Snapshot Day to highlight library services within the state’s major prisons and psychiatric hospitals.

Libraries are challenged to demonstrate to fiscal decision-makers about how state monies are spent for public services. The ALA has created an opportunity for all types of libraries to give the public a peek into a typical day in a library.

Anna Nash proposed the idea and accepted the lead in producing a plan, a time-line, and literature to prepare library staff and their host institutions for a Snapshot Day January 11.  The entire team was excited about this opportunity.  They also recognize that the best plans remain buried unless somebody is willing to invest time and talent into making it a reality.  Anna, Jill Merritt and Molly Mooney led the project. See their handiwork on Facebook at

In April the Washington State Library in Tumwater and its Washington Talking Book & Braille Library in Seattle will participate in a Library Snapshot day with public, school and academic libraries in Washington.

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