A Folksinger Came Along

A Folksinger Came Along

From the desk of Rand Simmons

Bob NBob Nelsonelson is a folksinger, concert performer, occasional teacher and archivist. You can read about him on the Pacific Northwest Folklore Society web site. Bob is a Co-Director of that organization.

I met Bob in January when he and his wife were doing research at the Washington State Library. I was on the public floor (second floor) and our reference librarians were helping him. He was so grateful for the service and the results that he exploded with enthusiasm.

Bob sent a letter to Secretary of State Sam Reed which stated in part: “I am researching three events that all happened off the Washington Coast: two off the Westport Bar and one in 1927 that happened closer to Neah Bay. After a few weeks of phone calls, my wife and I walked into the State Library in Tumwater. We were simply amazed at the reception we received.

Within ten minutes of our arrival, I was scanning the Seattle Times newspapers from 1927 . simply astounding. The staff couldn’t have been more helpful . quite refreshing.

You are to be congratulated for your role in keeping this valuable facility open to all of us who value and treasure our history.”

Best of all, Bob copied his Senator, Nick Harper.

Bob has generously offered to do a concert for us so stay tuned . no pun intended but it worked out nicely, didn’t it?

2 thoughts on “A Folksinger Came Along

  1. These stories are so important and the fact that Bob copied his Senator is worth so much more than anything we as library professionals can do. In today’s blog Will Manley talks about the difference in effectiveness between the public advocating for libraries and the librarians advocating for libraries–definitely worth a read. Here’s a fun quote from a customer regarding our recent Friends book sale: “Parking 75 cents; Giant bag-o-books $3.00; Watching my 10 year old fall in LOVE with books PRICELESS.”

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