Washington State Library Institutional Libraries celebrate National Library Week

Washington State Library Institutional Libraries celebrate National Library Week

WCC 2Washington State Library Institutional Libraries celebrate National Library Week. The Institutional Library Service (ILS) is a program of the Washington State Library, It consists of nine adult correctional facility libraries and two adult psychiatric hospital libraries. Our dedicated libraries embrace their mission:

“With spirit and fortitude, ILS branch staff enhances the quality of life for unique populations by providing a welcoming, neutral and secure place where informational, educational, and recreational needs are met.”

 Did you know?

 Libraries make prisons & psychiatric hospitals safer places to work and live

12,000 are incarcerated and hospitalized in Washington—8,520 are registered ILS patrons

ILS has more registered patrons per capita than the public library sector

ILS branch libraries employ prisoners and patients as clerks

ILS branch libraries maintain up-to-date re-entry resources

ILS branch libraries support and enhance basic adult education

Here’s what our Patrons have to say about ILS

“I’m just a regular guy and I actually don’t even read much…I’ve been getting some books on how to be a better father and that info is priceless…so it not only makes a difference in my life but it will make a difference in my child’s life too”. Airway Heights Corrections Center, Airway Heights, WA

 “Library is more important than gym, yard or any other recreational activity.  Reading is quiet, peaceful—a reading convict is not a problem source.  Reading causes new thought patterns to replace old negative patterns.”  Clallam Bay Corrections Center, Clallam Bay, WA

 “…Years ago when I knew nothing about schizophrenia, the library was the first place to go for information.  I am very greatfull to them for my knowledge that I share in groups, to my family, and to my support team. I am a better person for that.” Eastern State Hospital, Medical Lake, WA

To read more about our DOC and DSHS branches visit us at http://www.sos.wa.gov/library/InstitutionalLibraryServices.aspx. There are some great resources there, too.

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