Glory of Trees

Glory of Trees

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”

John Muir

James Ellenwood and his co-authors have created a magnificent book, The National individual tree species atlas (Fort Collins, CO: United States Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, [2015])

This reference volume covers each tree species in the United States and precisely where each species is likely to grow and not grow.National Individual Tree Species Atlas

According to the GPO Bookstore “this illustrated work will benefit silviculturists, foresters, geneticists, researchers, botanists, wildlife habitat biologists, landscape ecologists—essentially anyone involved in natural resources management, monitoring impacts of climate change or visiting America’s forests and landscapes.” (Description from GPO Bookstore.)

But what about people who simply love the beauty of trees or being out and among them? You will be rewarded with wonderful photographs and fascinating maps.

Would you like to look at this book? You are in luck! It is available at the Washington State Library (did I mention it is a rather large book?). Its call number is OVERSIZ A 13.110/18:15-01. You need to call ahead before coming to the library (360-704-5200). It’s at our storage facility.

Can’t get to Tumwater? Ask your local public library to borrow it from us.

You can also view it online at This is a large file so have patience while it downloads.

If you must have your own copy, the GPO Bookstore will be happy to sell it to you:  .

Federal publications. They are for everyday living!

Rand Simmons is the Federal Collection Executive Manager at the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.

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