So you want to make a difference in Washington?

So you want to make a difference in Washington?

candidateHey you!

Yes you! Time is ticking to get your paperwork and filing fee in if you want to run for public office in Washington this year. 

Friday – June 5 – marks the end of Candidate Filing Week, which began Monday. Folks who want a shot on the ballot have to get their stuff in to the appropriate office by 4 p.m. Friday for online filings and by 5 p.m. Friday for in-person filings.

Our agency accepts online or in-person filings for Legislative offices, Superior Court offices, and Court of Appeals offices. Other filings are handled by the County Auditor offices.

Secretary Reed encourages people to run for office, as part of his office’s “Find Your One Thing” initiative urging citizens to identify just one area where they can make a difference in their communities.

The Primary is right around the corner on August 18. More info at

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