Spotlight on Staff: Crystal Lentz

Spotlight on Staff: Crystal Lentz

This week’s staff spotlight comes to you from our Public Services team. As the designated lead on virtual/digital reference and government information, Crystal ensures that all reference transactions comply with quality standards, and she mentors and oversees the reference desk staff. She also serves as a specialist in Washington and federal government, law and legislative history, statistics, demographics, and current events, providing specialized reference and consultation services in these areas.

According to Lori Thornton, program manager, Crystal assumed a natural leadership position within the Public Services Program from the very beginning of her employment with the Library in 2002. “She exemplifies public service and is a credit to the library profession.  She always goes the second, third, fourth, and fifth miles for customers.  She is a consummate librarian.  I receive numerous genuine, sincere customer responses each year to Crystal’s exemplary service.”

Our patrons’ words say it best… “I just want to commend Crystal Lentz on the excellent customer service she gave me.  What a pleasure it is to have someone who cares enough about the people they work with to follow through over and above what would be expected.  I am grateful you have people who follow a high standard of commitment to their job.”

Thanks for representing us so well, Crystal!

One thought on “Spotlight on Staff: Crystal Lentz

  1. I don’t think we’ve had a question that she hasn’t been able to answer. Crystal exemplifies customer service at its best!

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