WA Secretary of State Blogs

Tune in this Tuesday

first_tuesdaysEvan and Kirsten are the featured speakers on the upcoming First Tuesdays presentation. This free, web-based program begins at 9 a.m. on Jan. 13. We’ll discuss our mission and goals for the Washington Rural Heritage project, give you a behind-the-scenes look at how we operate, and share some stories about how WRH has impacted the libraries we work with.

According to moderator Susan Barrett, “First Tuesdays began as a service to small and rural libraries, but those from any library are welcome to take part. Branch staff should first check with supervisors. If you have never participated in any Wimba session, you will need to go through a quick set-up wizard first.”

For more information, or to access archived presentations, click here.

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One Response to “Tune in this Tuesday”

  1. Y’all did a great job! I wish my project was directly involved with awesome photos; it would make my presentations a lot prettier!

    Stay tuned for a virtual reference First Tuesdays in March. I’ll have to live up to the standard you’ve set.