WA Secretary of State Blogs

ILS Employee of the Year 2008

Jill accepting her award from Bob

Jill accepting her award from Bob

At our Quarterly Meeting last week we honored Jill Merritt as the ILS Employee of the Year 2008.  In addition to working in one of our busiest branches (population 2,000 inmates – average monthly circulation almost 9,000 items), Jill found time to do a lot more.  She worked harder than the rest of us to ensure that this blog represents us well and she has kept it relevant and interesting.  She arranged for a librarian from England, the winner of the Traveling Librarian award, to visit Washington state institutional libraries. She applied for and was accepted into the Pacific Northwest Library Association’s Leadership Institute. As a result, she attended the week long PNLA Leads workshop.  And if that was not enough, she is currently working on her MLS!  We are proud to have Jill as a member of ILS and congraulate her on her award.

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3 Responses to “ILS Employee of the Year 2008”

  1. You deserve this award !!

  2. Now that is a great picture, and well deserved award, Jill!
    Your work rocks!

  3. Wow Jill! You’re doing good work and being recognized for it! Way to go!