WA Secretary of State Blogs

Sharon Brewer Receives her 30 year pin

Rand giving Sharon her 30 year pin 2012

Sharon has worked for Washington State Library for 30 years.  She has been shuffled around several times as lay offs impacted her positions, but she has never lost heart.  She contines to do her best work now at  the Washington Corrections Center in Shelton.

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3 Responses to “Sharon Brewer Receives her 30 year pin”

  1. Neal Van Der Voorn Says:

    Sharon, congratulations. You are a dedicated person who always has the best interested of the library patron in mind.

  2. Sharon, congratulations for hanging in there for so long! You’ve served so many people so well.

  3. I just ran across …quite by accident, but a very happy accident…the news of your 30 year pin. Wow! I’m impressed. And pleased to hear you’re in Shelton.