WA Secretary of State Blogs

2014 Washington State Library Essential Services survey

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 Posted in Articles, For Libraries, For the Public | Comments Off on 2014 Washington State Library Essential Services survey

On behalf of Rand Simmons, Washington State Library


The Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, faces a severe reduction in operating funds for the 2015-2017 biennium due to a revenue shortfall. If the state legislature does not appropriate “back-fill” funds the State Library will be an estimated $2.4 million short, a quarter of the budget.

Therefore, we are examining our services to determine which are essential and we want your perspective. Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey located at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2014WSLCustomerSurvey. Thank you for helping us develop a preferred future for the Washington State Library.

Please complete the survey by close of day Friday, October 17, 2014. Please don’t respond to it more than once.