WA Secretary of State Blogs

Visiting two small libraries in South West Washington.

Thursday, February 5th, 2015 Posted in Articles, For Libraries, For the Public | Comments Off on Visiting two small libraries in South West Washington.

Shirley Lewis and Carolyn Petersen paid a visit to the Kalama and Cathlamet Public Libraries in southwest Washington in January.  Kalama is planning an expansion as the City’s Offices move into a former bank building.  Louise Thomas, Director, and the Library Trustees are looking forward to providing patrons with more seating, program, and collection space.  During their visit, a library volunteer provided a story time attended by 10 small children and their parents in the current children’s area (see photo below).  Everyone had a great time, but it’s a tight fit!

Imagine this space filled  with 10 wiggly children and their parents.

Imagine this space filled with 10 wiggly children and their parents.

Cathlamet Public Library finished remodeling about one year ago.  The Library is light and inviting with a lovely view of downtown, the Columbia River, Puget Island, and, in the distance, Oregon.  Library patrons are enjoying the welcoming reading areas and computer spaces.  Carol Blix, Town Librarian, and the Library’s dedicated volunteers are seeing increased use of collections and services.


Cathlamet Library

Cathlamet Library

Taken in Cathlamet.  Wouldn’t you like to have that view every day?

Taken in Cathlamet. Wouldn’t you like to have that view every day?