WA Secretary of State Blogs

WSL Updates for November 12, 2015

Thursday, November 12th, 2015 Posted in For Libraries, Training and Continuing Education, Updates | Comments Off on WSL Updates for November 12, 2015

Volume 11, November 12, 2015 for the WSL Updates mailing list

Topics include:







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The WSL has a new Master.

Monday, January 12th, 2015 Posted in Articles, For Libraries, For the Public, Technology and Resources, Training and Continuing Education | 3 Comments »


By now I think most of you have heard about the Microsoft IT Academy (ITA) program which is offered through the Washington State Library. The ITA is a collection of over 400 online courses and other IT instructional materials that are available to all Washington residents. But have you heard yet about the newest addition to the program, the opportunity to prove your skills with certification?

Thanks to the hard work of Elizabeth Iaukea, certification sites are being set up all over the state. While completing the trainings provides the necessary skills to be competitive in a 21st Century workplace the certification tests are the best way to prove to employers the depth of your knowledge. Having attempted just a basic test myself I can attest to the fact that they are not easy.

Well, on Monday January 5th, the Washington State Library’s IT Academy program certified their first Microsoft Office Specialist Master (MOS).   And now I’d like to introduce (drumroll…) Jeremy Stroud, WSL’s graphic designer, web guru and now Master of the Universe (er.. of Microsoft Office). In order to earn this lofty title Jeremy first passed the entry level tests in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook. Then for the Master certification he also passed the expert level class in both Word and Excel.

Here’s what Jeremy has to say,

“I have been using Microsoft Office programs since the mid 1990’s, being first introduced to the suite of programs while in high school. I’m not shy about facing challenges so if I came across issues while using an Office product, I dug around until I found a solution. This tinkering and experimenting with Microsoft Office, in addition to the courses taken through the years, have allowed me to have a very broad and in-depth knowledge of the programs. The rise of the internet has made this even easier as there is now a wealth of knowledge available, such as the Microsoft IT Academy. When opportunity to take the certification arose, I decided to see how far my knowledge went. I believe that having my MOS Master certification will open many doors for me as I continue throughout my career.”

The Microsoft IT Academy and MOS certification testing has been available in all of WA’s public high schools for almost four years now, but has only been available to the rest of the state since November 2013 (MOS certification followed a year later), through special Legislative funding provided for the program to the State Library and available through all public, tribal, and community and technical college libraries in the state.

Adding certification was the natural next step, and missing piece to make the online training pay off.” Iaukea explains. “As the many who have suffered through periods of unemployment know all too well, it’s not enough to have the skills – you have to be able to prove to employers that you have them. Microsoft Office is the third most requested job skill, and MOS, as THE industry recognized credential for this software, is the BEST way to demonstrate that you have those in-demand skills.”

That’s why, in 2013 the Legislature approved money to support the program for the biennium ending June 2015. As a result, anyone can take the online courses and use the Study Guides provided by their local libraries to take a MOS exam – without having to travel as far or pay as much to test ($50 or less rather than $125).

We are proud and extremely lucky here at the State Library to have a MOS Master in our midst. But don’t just take my word for it. Let’s hear what some of his co-workers have to say

Jeff Martin – Head of Library Development

“I always knew Jeremy was talented when it came to Microsoft Office software. I frequently ask him the “how do I” questions that stumped me. I consider myself an intermediate user of the software suite when it comes to Word, Excel, and Outlook. After mixed results with the basic certification tests on Word and Outlook, neither of which I passed, only one of which I came close to passing, I have a new found respect for how in-depth Jeremy’s knowledge of these products truly is. Jeremy is a great problem solver for Microsoft Office. My problems, his solutions.”

Rand Simmons – Washington State Librarian

“Jeremy is my go to guy for Outlook, Excel, Word and PowerPoint. I know the rudiments of the software but when I am baffled he saves my bacon by making a quick fix. I have yet to encounter a problem he couldn’t resolve. His mastery of Microsoft products shows in the excellent products he produces.”

Will Stuivenga – Cooperative Projects Manager

I consider myself to be a relatively savvy computer user, especially when it comes to Microsoft Office products … But I know that I can count on Jeremy to run circles around me in terms of his exhaustive knowledge of specific features and functions of any MS Office product. And if he doesn’t know the answer off the top of his head (which he often/usually does), he can quickly find it (by sitting down briefly at my computer), or (if needed) look it up online. In some cases, I can look things up myself, but in many situations, it’s simply easier and faster (i.e., more efficient) to just ask Jeremy, than to struggle on my own. Having him here in the department is a wonderful and convenient resource that I have used and relied on countless times over the almost 11 years I have worked here in Library Development.

While Jeremy’s co-workers will certainly reap the benefits of his expertise we hope that this mastery will be reproduced around the state as more people complete the courses and take advantage of the certification program. Go Washington!


Office of the Secretary of State and WSL launch Microsoft IT Academy

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 Posted in Articles, News | Comments Off on Office of the Secretary of State and WSL launch Microsoft IT Academy

Tuesday, November 12, the Office of the Secretary of State and its division, the Washington State Library, joined Microsoft in launching a joint adventure, the Washington State Library / Microsoft IT Academy with an event at the KCLS – Bellevue Library. This online technology training program will be offered in more than 385 Washington libraries, free of charge, thanks to funding by the Washington Legislature.

State Librarian Rand Simmons noted that the program furthered the state’s embrace of 21st Century technology. “It will help average people get family-wage jobs by attaining the technology skills they need.”


Secretary of State Kim Wyman said that through the partnership with Microsoft, “we have the ability to serve the people of Washington in an entirely new way by both enhancing learning and creating job opportunities.” Wyman requested the 2013 Legislature provide $1.5 million over the biennium for the State Library to purchase statewide online access to the IT Academy.

Washington residents through their local public, community and technical college, and tribal libraries can access 250 courses. Courses are offered on three basic levels: digital literacy, for those who need basic skills such as using a mouse or sending emails; e-learning courses that support Microsoft Office suites; and courses leading to professional technology certifications. Certification is available but at cost to the participant over the biennium for the State Library to purchase statewide online access to the IT Academy.

“It is a natural fit,” Simmons observed, “for this program to be offered through libraries. They have a long record of providing training to their communities. People are accustomed to turning to their libraries for assistance and vital information.”

“Libraries continue to innovate and evolve in exciting and helpful ways,” Simmons stated. “This is just one more piece of evidence that libraries continue to play vital roles within their communities.”

A second launch will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 a.m., at the Spokane Public Library. For more information, see this press release from Office of the Secretary of State.

Washington Libraries and Microsoft IT Academy

Friday, March 1st, 2013 Posted in Articles, For Libraries, For the Public, News, Training and Continuing Education | Comments Off on Washington Libraries and Microsoft IT Academy

Floppy disksFrom the desk of Rand Simmons

Imagine walking into your local public library, community college library, or tribal library and registering to take one of Microsoft’s IT course … for free!

Through a partnership with Microsoft, the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, is seeking funding from the legislature which will be used to pay for the non-discounted portion of the cost of taking a Microsoft course. (Microsoft has discounted these courses by 90%.) It will also cover the cost for the Washington State Library to oversee the project.

The Washington Microsoft IT Academy will provide the people of Washington access without charge to a wide range of Microsoft online courses and learning resources through their local public, community college or tribal libraries. The IT Academy will also be available through the Washington State Library prison libraries. It is currently available through school districts, a project administered by the Office of Public Instruction. Course certification is also available but will not be covered by state funding.

“The Microsoft IT Academy delivered through Washington libraries is a no-brainer. The return on investment of state funds is astounding; an investment of $1.5 million will yield $4 million if Washington’s libraries were to pay full price. There will be no direct charge to people for IT training. Libraries are ready and capable of taking on this project. People are used to coming to their libraries for assistance,” notes Secretary of State Kim Wyman.

The ubiquity of libraries throughout the state, estimated at 472 outlets, and the recognized nature of libraries, to connect to their communities to improve the lives of citizens brings credence to this project model. The Washington State Library is a leader and facilitator among the library community and has decades of experience in managing statewide projects.

For more information on this project, please visit our broadband page.

Comments and inquiries can be sent to Rand Simmons, State Librarian.