WA Secretary of State Blogs

Excuse our dust

Excuse our dust, San Juan Historical Museum

Excuse our dust, San Juan Historical Museum

I had to laugh at this sign that was hanging outside one of out buildings at the San Juan Historical Museum in Friday Harbor, WA. I laugh because it seems small or rural community has a very dusty historical museum. The stuff is old.

I worked in a museum in the town of Tekoa, WA. The museum is situated behind the Tekoa library branch, part of the Whitman County Library System. The Tekoa museum only opens once a year to the public (though they’ll open by appointment if requested). Talk about dust. The museum is open each year to coincide with Tekoa Slippery Gulch Days.

I guess this sign also applies to our Washington Rural Heritage collection. We have one collection up so far but will be adding more over the coming months. Stay tuned….

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