WA Secretary of State Blogs

we’re so Cool

Winter is whizzing along, winds whipping the waves and the snow comes in flurries. It is cold, first the ice storms on Sunday then clean that up and the snow comes in fits and starts on Wednesday. If it is safe to get to work then one gets on the road and gets to work, but if it is not safe – then the work will wait, it will always wait. Ever notice that our civilized world likes to watch others braving the elements and having adventures, from our warm homes, with hot coffee, chocolate or tea in our mug?
I left the house after cleaning off the sidewalks, and then coming out finding them covered again. The drive wasn’t bad, the schools were all closed and other businesses were starting later, not too many adventures there. I get on the ferry and it isn’t as full as a normal morning, by twenty percent. The tide is in and high, the wind slams the ferry against the dock and being on the upper deck we get the full sway and drop. If the wind weren’t trying to take my hat off I would look to find the geese and seagulls but they don’t seem to be around. I am so happy to get to the gates at Control, to get inside and to the library.
Email is how the Institutional Library Services keep in touch.  I leave a note about using our Christmas Card picture as a center display on my Desktop so I don’t feel so lonely, I read about the weather at the other branches, and the workers that can’t get in for the frozen fury. The inmate clerks report, and kid me about coming in, but they expect that I will show up – there have been bets made on support staff showing in bad weather.  The normal selection of books for the Segregation Unit, weeding and ILL requests, mail pick up and sending out returns.  The work is normal, no real adventure there.  When the library opens and the patrons show up the circulation goes up and the hours quickly pass. I find indications that others are leaving work early, hoping to get home safely, there are calls over the radio for overtime for the Corrections Officers – voluntary so far. They must be having some difficulty getting officers in, some drive from a long distance or live in the deep snow country. Some of the education classes are being cancelled.  All indications are that the worst is still to come.
Well, I will finish, close the library and head on home. So I can sit in that recliner, sipping hot tea and watching someone else have adventures on almost reality television. I only work in a prison library with Winter challenging my good sense and dedication to opening every day, no real adventure there – just reality, we are so cool…

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